Monday, May 16, 2016


Education is an institution , an effort of the senior people to transfer their knowledge to the younger members of society. Through education they learn basic rules, regulations, norms and values of society. The greatest loss in the world of education today is the lost awareness of what education has means ? What is the Purpose of Education..

I think first most answer would be to earn bread & butter … Is this ALL? Most of us would be agree with no that’s not all…Let me tell you an story , its about a black guy and his Struggle for an Education before end of slavery in the United States , a journey filled with obstacles, including hunger, cold and exhaustion. Many people help him along the way. The journey has spiritual overtones. With fortuitous assistance from strangers, he triumphs over his obstacles, and reaches the object of his quest. 

In his words One day, while at work in the coal mine, he overhear two miners talking about a great school for colored people some where in Virginia. This was the first time that he had ever heard anything about any kind of school or college that was more pretentious than the little colored school in his town. As they went on describing the school, it seemed to him that it must be the greatest place on earth. Not even Heaven presented more attractions to him at that time than did the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute in Virginia, about which these men were talking. 

He resolved at once to go to that school, although he had no idea where it was, or how many miles away, or how he was going to reach it.  He was on fire constantly with one ambition, and that was to go to Hampton. This thought was with him day and night. It has started out on a, "wild-goose-chase."  He had very little money with which to buy clothes and pay his travelling expenses.  Finally, the great day came, and he started for Hampton. The distance from to Hampton was about five hundred miles. By walking, begging rides both in wagons and in the cars, in some way, after a number of days, he reached the city of Richmond, Virginia, about eighty-two miles from Hampton. When He reached there, tired, hungry and dirty, it was late in the night.

               He had never been in a large city, and this rather added to his misery. When he reached Richmond. he was completely out of money. He had not a single acquaintance in the place; and, being unused to city ways, He did not know where to go, He asked at several places for lodging but they all wanted money, and   that was what he did not have. Knowing nothing else better to do, He walked the streets. He walked on the streets till after midnight. At last when became so exhausted that he could walk no longer.  Just about the time when he reached extreme physical exhaustion, he came upon a portion of a street where the board sidewalk was considerably elevated and then crept under the sidewalk and lay for the night on the ground

               The next morning he found himself somewhat refreshed. But extremely hungry. As soon as it became light enough for him to see his surroundings, he noticed that he was near a large ship. It seemed to be unloading a cargo of pig-iron.  He went at once to the vessel and asked the captain to permit him to help unload the vessel in order to get money for food. His work pleased the captain so well that he told him that he could continue working for a small amount per day. He continued working on this vessel for a number of days. After buying food with his small wages there was not much left to pay his way to Hampton. In order to economize in every way possible, He continued to sleep under the sidewalk.

               When He had saved enough money with which to reach Hampton, He thanked the captain of the vessel for his kindness, and started again. Without any unusual occurrence he reached Hampton, with a surplus of exactly fifty cents with which to begin his education. 

               As soon as possible after reaching the grounds of the Hampton Institute, he presented himself before the head teacher for assignment to a class. Having been so long without proper food, a bath, and change of clothing, he did not, of course, make a very favorable impression upon her. He could see at once that there were doubts in her mind about the wisdom of admitting me as a student. For some time she did not refuse to admit him, neither did she decide in his favor. He continued to linger about her, and to impress her in all the ways he could with his worthiness. In the meantime he  saw her admitting other students, and that added greatly to his discomfort. He felt deep down in his heart, that he could do as well as they, if he could only get a chance to show what was in HIM.

               After some hours had passed, the head teacher said to Him, "The adjoining recitation room needs sweeping. Take the broom and sweep it." It occurred to him at once that here was his chance. Never did  he receive an order with more delight. He swept the recitation room three times, than He got a dusting cloth, and He dusted it four times. All the woodwork around the walls, every bench , table, and desk, He went over four times with his dusting cloth. Besides, every piece of furniture had been moved and every closet and corner in the room had been thoroughly cleaned. He had the feeling that in a large measure his future depended upon the impression he made upon the teacher in the cleaning of that room.   

When done he reported to the head teacher. She was a "Yankee" woman who knew just where to look for dirt. She went into the room and inspected the floor and closets; then she took her handkerchief and rubbed it on the woodwork about the walls and over the table and benches. When she was unable to find one bit of dirt on the floor or a particle of dust on any of the furniture, she quietly remarked, "I guess you will do to enter this institution."

               The sweeping of that room was his college examination. He was tired, was hungry, was everything but discouraged. This was story of Brooker T. Washington , from his autobiography "Up from Slavery". "My Struggle For An Education" left a great impression on me. This story explains us about constant passion required to achieve  objectives.

In My opinion education should produce citizens who have the reading, math, and science skills to meet the evolving needs of society... The chief purpose of education is to help towards filling in framework which is made up of the talents and capabilities that each individual posse… to study history means to search for and discover the forces that are the cause of those results which appear before our eyes as historical event not in just remembering birth day of some ancient King..

Therefore education must help us understand the profound extent of life. It must help us become individuals that can live a life free from any form of anxiety, discrimination and trepidation. Education must prepare us for life. Our existence on earth is an assemblage of people from all walks of life. Thus we cannot simply limit our understanding of education only to formal academic education. We have to co-habit and understand the tenets and canons of a happy and peaceful co-existence. This should definitely come from a structured well thought out set-up of education but it must also come from an education that we derive through observation, experiences and influences in life. Education should generate the overall growth and development of an individual. A quote from Aristotle sums up all: “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” As much as it is important to arm and educate our minds it is equally important to educate our hearts as well. Let us all educate ourselves to realise the value and worth of our fellow beings as much as we value and treasure our individual hearts and minds.


Jyoti Dube said...


Jayendra Dubey said...

Education today is devoid of emotions and empathy.