Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Leadership Lessons from Prime Minister of India

Since Mr Narendra Modi took over as the 15th Prime Minister of India, he has given us some valuable lessons on leadership. He has all qualities that a good leader should possess. You don't need to be his follower to  notice his leadership skills.. Listing down some of the very important characteristics which I can observe very frequently...

  ( The woods are lovely, dark and deep,. But I have promises to keep,. And miles to go before I sleep,. And miles to go before I sleep....)

1. Time management :
 I have very strong feeling that no one can beat his punctuality..  since last so many year's we have heard too many news about his effective time management instances that truly inspirational. Although he’s undoubtedly one of the busiest men in our country with a packed schedule to follow every day, he knows how to manage his time well.

2. Voicing your team’s opinion :
 Mr. Modi knows how to take a stand for the people he represents. He has expressed opinions of Indians and highlighted many of their issues at a global level. Taking a stand for your team and voicing their opinion is an essential trait every good leader must possess.

3. Dedication:
 Since the day he came to power, he has been working relentlessly towards improving the conditions of his nation. At age of 65 years his dedication is commendable.

4. Learning Empathy 
 When following any news about Mr. Modi any can notice his empathy for Technology , Learning new... He is one of the first few political leader to use twitter and Facebook to stay connected with his followers.. Now we now clear role of latest technology in his historic win in last elections..

5. Positive Attitude 
 When we listen any speech of Mr. Modi we can clearly sense the positivity, Enthusiasm .. It plays very important role into leadership and increase team's confidence into his leader. He inaugurated the Swacch Bharat Mission by cleaning the roads himself. Every leader should be enthusiastic enough to practice what he preaches rather than merely making big claims

6. Clear Vision 
From the very beginning, he has been clear about his goals and plans for the nation. Although while campaigning for elections he made some big claims, we can’t ignore the fact that he has actually accomplished many of the milestones he’d listed. A leader’s vision is essential for the progress of the entire team. Hence, it needs to be crystal clear. 

7. Believe in teamwork
Delegation brings you success.. Delegating task to correct hands makes you available for Lead & Manage, rather than micro manage.. Once Mr. barack obama also mentioned in his one of speech that "Winning future requires Teamwork"

Some of the skills like effective public speaking or leading way with example Mr Modi has not comptiton at all. After ex-priminister Mr Atal people liked Mr Modi's speeches alot, his program "Man ki baat" is good platform to listen his ideas regularly...Let me know your observation as well..

 Courtesy: News, magazines & several other online resources.


Lawkant singh said...

Ekk Number

Sandeep Kumar said...


Somesh said...

Good one but I noticed dictership is somewhat included in modi ji, which is a not good for democracy. Rest is Okay.

Somesh said...

Good one but I noticed dictership is somewhat included in modi ji, which is a not good for democracy. Rest is Okay.

Jayendra Dubey said...

Indian Government will have to work for peace and harmony among people more now. The trust people had in him is shattering with each lynching accident. Being pradhan sewak, he must control his subbordinate sewaks. Just saying.

Manjul Dube said...

That's right, growth agenda needs to be priority 1..
Jamie Dimon, chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase said. "You might be shocked to find out, we haven't built a major airport for 20 years. China built 75 in the past 10 years. It takes 10 years to get all the permits to build a bridge today. Ten years? What happened to the good old can-do America?" Entire world is thinking, scaring, inspiring with the China's growth not only India alone.

We haven't able to get all the clearance for Navi Mumbai Airport.. same story around other parts of India..